The most prominent ways to increase traffics is by publishing brainstorming articles, but in order to do so, you have to become a good content writer, which is the topic I’m gonna talk about.

Content writing is a perimeter that shows your true tones of writing and your process of writing an article. Believe it or not, when it comes to maximizing traffic income from search engines, you have to greatly increase your SEO in blog posts.


Most bloggers tend to be lazy at writing posts that are reader-friendly, means that most of them don’t want to create a good-looking article and helpful information to the readers, which I mentioned as NOT reader-friendly.

Chances are very low that you get noticed by Google’s Search Engine, or Bing, or any other related sites because lacks of authority and content quality.

But fear not, in this article, I will review what you need to do in order to succeed in Google’s page one. So keep with me until the end.

The reasons why your posts have never been to page one

Main reasons:

  • Your site is new, so it lacks authority.
  • Minimum readership, your site doesn’t have any traffics at all.
  • Your posts are not indexed.
  • You don’t have any backlinks pointed towards your posts or your website.

So, for this topic, we want to talk about how to get traffics which as aforementioned, the main building blocks to be indexed and ranked at page one by creating quality posts for search engines,

But, this is ain’t an easy task.

I must admit, it was tiring at first and very long process indeed, but I can guarantee that your blog will get indexed and ranked page one if you follow my tips.

Prior to the point new sites, let me give you a brief explanation as to why is that matters.

New websites are ranked very low because google wanted to drive visitors to an old site that has the higher authority and great content quality, thus, new websites will get kicked out of page one Google.

However, there are several cases when new sites got ranked page one, mainly because of their SEO technique and quality content.

Content writing tips to make quality content

Writing content is like dipping a ball into the open sea, you get the idea, but don’t know where you are going, well, sometimes it happens between us, writers.

Live your life for it

I know it sounds cliche, but you have to know until what extent can you push yourself, you have to limit yourself.

Because writing is about passion, I mean you have to focus, concentrate and do not procrastinate, it will make you the good writer.

To someone new, they didn’t write nearly enough words to be able to post quality content or sometimes procrastinate on their own will.

It is only normal but, when you are slacking off, there will always be new writer try to climb their way up, so just do not procrastinate and try at least post an article a day.

Post an article a day for one year, with good writing technique and SEO technique, I assure that you will get enough traffics, maybe around 5k visitor per day, which is enough to earn from Google AdSense, more or less.

Well, I’m not sure if any of you got work to do, but it shouldn’t take two hours to create a mesmerizing article, you just need to know what is your hobby, your passion, arrange the niche of your blog, then you are good to go.

Try to type at least 400 words

Be honest with yourself, can you do 400 words a day for one year? Well although there might still be some time when you didn’t post, but it is alright.

Remember that 400 words are easy if you compare it with your schoolwork essay, bear with it, as aforementioned, try to find a niche that suit you best, so you will find joy in writing.

Google like the kind of articles that are informative, so at least try to put 400 words into it. You probably have searched for something on google and get to their page one site, then you noticed the article was too long, or not too long.

I can say on average, sites that are indexed on page one google have at least 400 words on their article.

Some of them even have 1000 words or more, the more the better, but try not to put 5000 words. Unless you want to make an essay for uni.

The keys are informative and clean to read. Commonly I found that many internet users aren’t fully reading the content that you are writing, so, please keep it simple.

By keeping your article simple enough and easy to understand (reader-friendly), the reader will also find joy in reading your articles.

Your first paragraph should be explaining what the title is all about and then you can go with the chit-chat, but at the end of the paragraph, try to rephrase it and have a conclusion.

Signal an update to search console

Open google webmaster, and sign in with your google account, then register your website. It shouldn’t take 10 minutes to set your site. The same method also applies with any other engine search console.

So, connect your site to a search console like Google, Bing, Yandex, etc. and then submit your sitemap to them.

After you submit your sitemap, an rss feed will also work, they will try to index your site, crawl your blog posts, and then make it live on their searches.

For example like in google search console, you have to input your new post url, and then submit it directly to search console by paste-ing it in form, you should find it in no time after you dig in for a while.

Do a keyword research

For every post, I think you should do keywords research, it helps you to know which keywords are most popular.

You can do it by opening Google Trends, and then search what your blog is all about, if your blog is about pets, then you have to try keywords like dog, cat, and then find google relevant searches.

You can also try to compete with news sites in popular trends for today on Google Trends, just try to find that suit your tones and niche.

Try to update your posts

Have you ever noticed that Google also crawl the time we publish our articles? When we posted it in say 1 February 2020, they will know it and put it along with your crawling process.

Having your site updated with its posts also boost your ranking as time goes on. It will help to build the audience’s trust in your post because they knew it is freshly updated new article.

So, in summary, all you have to do is regularly update and post articles, do keywords research, synchronize it with search console, just that and you will be making a good amount of money after a year or so.

We are here to help boost your website’s GROWTH Machine

PT Ribrick Teknologi Utama (Ribrick Tech) can help you to gain massive followers and visitors to your website by maximizing the potential of your website. The media agency service we provide include content writing, paid ads campaign management, keywords research, the long-tail keyword and 100% chance to rank page one, etc. Contact us at or or through WhatsApp +62 878-7163-8910. Looking for SEO, Digital Ads Campaign Manager that boost sales, and a professional branding consultant? Overlook us.