There is no right or wrong way to blog. Blogging is considered fun because it is not serious. We can always go back and edit what we write, and usually posts older than a week are quickly forgotten.

But having a blog can provide many benefits. You can use a blog as a place to channel ideas and thoughts. There are also people who do blog with the aim of sharing tips and life lessons with others.


Before entering into blogging tips, this factors help you know why you need to create your own blog.

  • Blogging is fast becoming the most popular way of communicating and disseminating information and news. There are lots of blogs online but don’t be afraid, you can make your blog stand out and be visible.
  • Blogging is a way to express yourself and also a means to share info with others.
  • You become a better writer.
  • The most lucrative reason is that you can get money from blogging.
  • By having your own blog, you have more control, creativity, and flexibility when compared to other forms of social media. The following tips are only in the form of suggestions as a mild spark to encourage your thinking. There is no right or wrong here.

Write what you like

What is the content of your blog? About cooking? Childcare? Handicrafts? Whatever it is, make sure it’s what you like. Maintaining a blog is hard work. Don’t start if you don’t like writing for a few days a week. If you don’t have a passion for the topic you choose, there isn’t much you can offer to readers and they will leave your blog immediately.

Blogs are about ideas that suit you. So try to think of where your passion is. One thing to avoid is getting stuck in a giveaway in an effort to get readers. There are some good bloggers whose quality declines because they are obsessed with giving giveaways.

It’s fun to be a giveaway host once in a while. Unless you are dedicated to doing this, this is not the main way that keeps readers coming to you.

They come because of your content. What you want is a reader who likes to read what you write, not a reader who signs up to enter the giveaway that you are holding. This is not the right way to build an audience. Read more about our article about writing on a blog.

Be different

Whatever you choose as a blog topic, there may be many other bloggers who have the same topic as you. So think of ways to make your blog different from the others. If your blog is about making crafts for example, see if you can get an idea that is not done by most other bloggers. For example, you can create a handicraft blog for boys. This is a pretty smart idea because most of the crafts are devoted to girls.

See other blogs that have the same genre as you and change your own a little. If your blog is about cooking, you can hold a monthly reader submission, where readers send recipes. You practice the recipe, choose a winner, and give a prize. Sounds fun, especially if no one has done this. Maybe the main part of your blog is the same as the others, but see what you can do with something different.

Write as you speak


People like to read blogs whose author’s personality shines through written words. Readers feel like they are right in front of you and share their thoughts. Posts become more interesting and easier to read. Let your personality shine. Let readers establish connections with you when they read your content.

Create a blog that is casual, people will like it more. But this does not mean that you can use inappropriate words, just be yourself in a good way.

If you do not remember the difference in the meaning of certain words or find it difficult to organize your ideas, you should postpone writing a blog first. The reader can understand the use of comma punctuation is wrong or similar errors, but not for the use of words.

Good and unique content is the only key

Write content that you yourself want to read. You really can’t make everyone happy. But please make an effort to be more creative. For example, you make a post about a good game idea for children. People open your content and the games that you recommend are common. Many have discussed it. Make your blog stand out with good, creative, helpful, and inspiring content.

Language capability

If you want your blog to continue to grow, your language skills must be polished to the utmost limit. I mean, I’m not exaggerating, you really have to pick between writing concise and precision or writing a boring story with the same repetition for words. Use thesaurus if you want to know the synonym of your chosen words. From my perspective, I have been involved in blogging activities since 2015, and from there my writing has improved dramatically from year to year. Don’t have the skills to write or conceptualize ideas? Just write it down, anything, you will see at least a significant amount of improvement if you just continue to stick your daily improvement habits of writing content